jail 環境に gitlab をインストール

FreeBSD の jail 環境に gitlab をインストールして一通り使えるようになった.いくつかハマッた点をメモ.

rbenv で ruby をインストールしようとしたが JavaScript の実行環境 (libv8 とか therubyrace とか) が上手く動かなくて断念.ruby は pkg でインストールした.libv8 のインストールのため gcc49 も pkg でインストール.pkg でインストールしたもの一覧はこのページの末尾で.
bundle install のときに /usr/local の下を見に行くようにいくつか追加設定.

$ bundle config
Settings are listed in order of priority. The top value will be used.
Set for the current user (/home/git/.bundle/config): "--with-opt-dir=/usr/local"

Set for the current user (/home/git/.bundle/config): "--with-opt-dir=/usr/local"

Set for the current user (/home/git/.bundle/config): "--with-opt-dir=/usr/local"

Set for your local app (/usr/home/git/gitlab/.bundle/config): "1"

Set for your local app (/usr/home/git/gitlab/.bundle/config): "vendor/bundle"

Set for your local app (/usr/home/git/gitlab/.bundle/config): "development:test:mysql:aws"

Set for your local app (/usr/home/git/gitlab/.bundle/config): "1"

jail 環境内では http (nginx)は80番ポート,sshは22番ポートでそれぞれ立ち上げるのだが,一つしか無いグローバルアドレスのこれらのポートは既に別の用途に利用しているので,外部からのアクセス用にそれぞれ5780番と5722番ポートを利用する.57 なのはjail環境のプライベートアドレスが に合わせただけで意味はない.
グローバルアドレスの5780や5722から、jail内の80や22へのリダイレクトは、ホスト環境の pf で.

# gitlab http and ssh
rdr on {$ext_if0} proto tcp from any to port 5780 -> $jail_git port 80
rdr on {$ext_if0} proto tcp from any to port 5722 -> $jail_git port 22

これに合わせた gitlab の設定変更。

$ diff -u config/gitlab.yml.example config/gitlab.yml
--- config/gitlab.yml.example   2014-07-01 22:42:32.000000000 +0900
+++ config/gitlab.yml   2014-07-10 11:28:04.000000000 +0900
@@ -15,14 +15,15 @@
   ## GitLab settings
     ## Web server settings (note: host is the FQDN, do not include http://)
-    host: localhost
-    port: 80
+    host: git.example.net
+    port: 5780
     https: false
     # Uncommment this line below if your ssh host is different from HTTP/HTTPS one
     # (you'd obviously need to replace ssh.host_example.com with your own host).
     # Otherwise, ssh host will be set to the `host:` value above
     # ssh_host: ssh.host_example.com
+    ssh_host: git.example.net
     # WARNING: See config/application.rb under "Relative url support" for the list of
     # other files that need to be changed for relative url support
@@ -33,7 +34,8 @@
     ## Email settings
     # Email address used in the "From" field in mails sent by GitLab
-    email_from: example@example.com
+    #email_from: example@example.com
+    email_from: git@example.net
     # Email server smtp settings are in [a separate file](initializers/smtp_settings.rb.sample).
@@ -216,12 +218,13 @@
     # If you use non-standard ssh port you need to specify it
     # ssh_port: 22
+    ssh_port: 5722
   ## Git settings
   # Use the default values unless you really know what you are doing
-    bin_path: /usr/bin/git
+    bin_path: /usr/local/bin/git
     # The next value is the maximum memory size grit can use
     # Given in number of bytes per git object (e.g. a commit)
     # This value can be increased if you have very large commits

/etc/rc.conf の内容


/etc/hosts の内容            localhost localhost.example.net git.example.net

/etc/init.d/ に置く自動起動スクリプトFreeBSD ではちゃんと動かなさそうなので,とりあえず手動で起動.

$ env|grep RAILS_ENV

$ ./bin/web start
$ ./bin/background_jobs start

FreeBSD の特殊環境(?)に合わせて redis の設定を修正./home が /usr/home へのシンボリックリンクで設定ファイルには実体を書かないといけないのと,redis-cli が /usr/local/bin に入っているのに合わせる.

$ cat ~/gitlab-shell/config.yml
user: git
gitlab_url: http://localhost/
  self_signed_cert: false
repos_path: "/usr/home/git/repositories/"
auth_file: "/usr/home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys"
  bin: /usr/local/bin/redis-cli
  host: localhost
  port: 6379
  namespace: resque:gitlab
log_level: INFO
audit_usernames: false


pkg でインストールしたもの.

$ pkg info
autoconf-2.69                  Automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms
autoconf-wrapper-20131203      Wrapper script for GNU autoconf
bash-4.3.18_2                  The GNU Project's Bourne Again SHell
binutils-2.24                  GNU binary tools
ca_root_nss-3.16.1             The root certificate bundle from the Mozilla Project
curl-7.37.0                    Non-interactive tool to get files from FTP, GOPHER, HTTP(S) servers
cvsps-2.1_1                    Create patchset information from CVS
dialog4ports-0.1.5_2           Console Interface to configure ports
expat-2.1.0_1                  XML 1.0 parser written in C
gcc-ecj-4.5                    Eclipse Java Compiler used to build GCC Java
gcc49-4.9.1.s20140618          GNU Compiler Collection 4.9
gettext-             GNU gettext package
git-2.0.0                      Distributed source code management tool
gmake-3.82_1                   GNU version of 'make' utility
gmake-lite-3.82                Minimalist version of gnu make
gmp-5.1.3_2                    Free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
help2man-1.43.3_1              Automatically generating simple manual pages from program output
icu-53.1                       International Components for Unicode (from IBM)
indexinfo-0.2                  Utility to regenerate the GNU info page index
libexecinfo-1.1_3              Library for inspecting program's backtrace
libffi-3.0.13_1                Foreign Function Interface
libiconv-1.14_3                Character set conversion library
libxml2-2.9.1_1                XML parser library for GNOME
libyaml-0.1.6                  A YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C
m4-1.4.17_1,1                  GNU m4
mpc-1.0.2                      Library of complex numbers with arbitrarily high precision
mpfr-3.1.2_2                   Library for multiple-precision floating-point computations
nginx-1.6.0_2,2                Robust and small WWW server
p5-Authen-SASL-2.16            Perl5 module for SASL authentication
p5-Digest-HMAC-1.03            Perl5 interface to HMAC Message-Digest Algorithms
p5-Error-0.17022               Error/exception handling in object-oriented programming style
p5-GSSAPI-0.28                 Perl extension providing access to the GSSAPIv2 library
p5-IO-Socket-IP-0.29           Drop-in replacement for IO::Socket::INET supporting IPv4 and IPv6
p5-IO-Socket-SSL-1.994         Perl5 interface to SSL sockets
p5-MIME-Base64-3.14            Perl5 module for Base64 and Quoted-Printable encodings
p5-Net-SMTP-SSL-1.01_2         SSL support for Net::SMTP
p5-Net-SSLeay-1.64             Perl5 interface to SSL
p5-Socket-2.014                Networking constants and support functions
pcre-8.34_1                    Perl Compatible Regular Expressions library
perl5-5.16.3_11                Practical Extraction and Report Language
pkg-1.2.7_3                    Package manager
postgresql91-client-9.1.13_1   PostgreSQL database (client)
postgresql91-server-9.1.13_1   The most advanced open-source database available anywhere
python2-2_2                    The "meta-port" for version 2 of the Python interpreter
python27-2.7.6_4               Interpreted object-oriented programming language
readline-6.3.6_1               Library for editing command lines as they are typed
redis-2.8.11                   Persistent key-value database with built-in net interface
ruby21-2.1.1_2,1               Object-oriented interpreted scripting language
ruby21-gems-1.8.29             Package management framework for the Ruby language
rubygem-bundler-1.5.3          A tool that manages gem dependencies for ruby applications
rubygem-rake-10.3.2            Ruby Make
texinfo-lite-5.2               Minimal version of texinfo
v8-3.18.5                      Google\'s open source JavaScript engine

bundle install でインストールされたもの

% bundle list
Gems included by the bundle:
  * ace-rails-ap (2.0.1)
  * actionmailer (4.1.1)
  * actionpack (4.1.1)
  * actionview (4.1.1)
  * activemodel (4.1.1)
  * activerecord (4.1.1)
  * activesupport (4.1.1)
  * acts-as-taggable-on (2.4.1)
  * arel (
  * asciidoctor (0.1.4)
  * axiom-types (0.0.5)
  * bcrypt-ruby (3.1.2)
  * bootstrap-sass (
  * builder (3.2.2)
  * bundler (1.5.3)
  * carrierwave (0.9.0)
  * celluloid (0.15.2)
  * charlock_holmes (
  * coercible (1.0.0)
  * coffee-rails (4.0.1)
  * coffee-script (2.2.0)
  * coffee-script-source (1.6.3)
  * colored (1.2)
  * connection_pool (1.2.0)
  * d3_rails (3.1.10)
  * default_value_for (3.0.0)
  * descendants_tracker (0.0.3)
  * devise (3.0.4)
  * devise-async (0.8.0)
  * diff-lcs (1.2.5)
  * diffy (3.0.3)
  * dotenv (0.9.0)
  * dropzonejs-rails (0.4.14)
  * emoji (1.0.1)
  * enumerize (0.7.0)
  * equalizer (0.0.8)
  * erubis (2.7.0)
  * escape_utils (0.2.4)
  * eventmachine (1.0.3)
  * execjs (2.0.2)
  * faraday (0.8.8)
  * faraday_middleware (0.9.0)
  * font-awesome-rails (
  * foreman (0.63.0)
  * gemnasium-gitlab-service (0.2.1)
  * github-markup (1.1.0)
  * gitlab-flowdock-git-hook (
  * gitlab-grack (2.0.0.pre)
  * gitlab-grit (2.6.9)
  * gitlab-linguist (3.0.0)
  * gitlab_emoji (
  * gitlab_git (6.0.0)
  * gitlab_meta (7.0)
  * gitlab_omniauth-ldap (1.0.4)
  * gollum-lib (3.0.0)
  * gon (5.0.1)
  * grape (0.6.1)
  * grape-entity (0.4.2)
  * haml (4.0.5)
  * haml-rails (0.5.3)
  * hashie (2.0.5)
  * hike (1.2.3)
  * hipchat (0.14.0)
  * http_parser.rb (0.5.3)
  * httparty (0.13.0)
  * httpauth (0.2.0)
  * i18n (0.6.9)
  * ice_nine (0.10.0)
  * jquery-atwho-rails (0.3.3)
  * jquery-rails (3.1.0)
  * jquery-scrollto-rails (1.4.3)
  * jquery-turbolinks (2.0.1)
  * jquery-ui-rails (4.2.1)
  * json (1.8.1)
  * jwt (0.1.8)
  * kaminari (0.15.1)
  * kgio (2.8.1)
  * libv8 (
  * mail (2.5.4)
  * mime-types (1.25.1)
  * mini_portile (0.6.0)
  * minitest (5.3.4)
  * multi_json (1.10.1)
  * multi_xml (0.5.5)
  * multipart-post (1.2.0)
  * net-ldap (0.3.1)
  * nokogiri (
  * nprogress-rails (
  * oauth (0.4.7)
  * oauth2 (0.8.1)
  * omniauth (1.1.4)
  * omniauth-github (1.1.1)
  * omniauth-google-oauth2 (0.2.1)
  * omniauth-oauth (1.0.1)
  * omniauth-oauth2 (1.1.1)
  * omniauth-twitter (1.0.1)
  * org-ruby (0.9.6)
  * orm_adapter (0.5.0)
  * pg (0.15.1)
  * polyglot (0.3.4)
  * posix-spawn (0.3.8)
  * protected_attributes (1.0.5)
  * pyu-ruby-sasl (
  * rack (1.5.2)
  * rack-accept (0.4.5)
  * rack-attack (2.3.0)
  * rack-cors (0.2.9)
  * rack-mount (0.8.3)
  * rack-protection (1.5.1)
  * rack-test (0.6.2)
  * rails (4.1.1)
  * rails-observers (0.1.2)
  * rails_autolink (1.1.6)
  * railties (4.1.1)
  * raindrops (0.12.0)
  * rake (10.3.2)
  * raphael-rails (2.1.2)
  * redcarpet (2.2.2)
  * redis (3.0.6)
  * redis-actionpack (4.0.0)
  * redis-activesupport (4.0.0)
  * redis-namespace (1.4.1)
  * redis-rack (1.5.0)
  * redis-rails (4.0.0)
  * redis-store (1.1.4)
  * ref (1.0.5)
  * rouge (1.3.3)
  * rubyntlm (0.1.1)
  * rubypants (0.2.0)
  * rugged (0.19.0)
  * sanitize (2.1.0)
  * sass (3.2.19)
  * sass-rails (4.0.3)
  * seed-fu (2.3.1)
  * select2-rails (3.5.2)
  * semantic-ui-sass (
  * settingslogic (2.0.9)
  * sidekiq (2.17.0)
  * simple_oauth (0.1.9)
  * sinatra (1.4.4)
  * six (0.2.0)
  * slack-notifier (0.3.2)
  * slim (2.0.2)
  * sprockets (2.11.0)
  * sprockets-rails (2.1.3)
  * stamp (0.5.0)
  * state_machine (1.2.0)
  * stringex (2.5.1)
  * temple (0.6.7)
  * therubyracer (0.12.0)
  * thor (0.19.1)
  * thread_safe (0.3.4)
  * tilt (1.4.1)
  * timers (1.1.0)
  * tinder (1.9.3)
  * treetop (1.4.15)
  * turbolinks (2.0.0)
  * twitter-stream (0.1.16)
  * tzinfo (1.2.1)
  * uglifier (2.3.2)
  * underscore-rails (1.4.4)
  * unicorn (4.6.3)
  * unicorn-worker-killer (0.4.2)
  * version_sorter (1.1.0)
  * virtus (1.0.1)
  * warden (1.2.3)